Commentary on Current Events

Thoughts, Ideas, and Comments of Bob Cardwell, from Indianapolis, IN.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vivid Dreams

I have been having vivid dreams lately.

Last night, I dream that the skyline of Indy was on fire.

I was on a Honda Passport Motor scooter with my child hood friend, Fred Stingley. We were riding on the westside of Indy and going up the White River Parkway. The whole east side of the river was in flames as we drove around the stucked traffic. We parked the bike and got off. We went to the river's edge. Some people were trying to cross over the river from the east side and troops were shooting at them. I ran into a friend from the City-County Bldg. and she told me that there was an outbreak of Ebola from some sort of germ attack, intentionally or not. The city was aflame because the government was trying to sterilize the area to keep the deadly disease from spreading all over.

We got on our scooter and got out of their quick. We picked up a female hitch-hiker who was desperate to get out. We went on, three on a motorcycle, heading toward the sun.


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