Commentary on Current Events

Thoughts, Ideas, and Comments of Bob Cardwell, from Indianapolis, IN.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Tony Kiritsis is dead

Read the story here.

No one who has worked in the mental health field does not know of this man and his effect on the mentally ill.

There is no doubt about it. He was crazy and mean. Too bad his actions hurt so many people and will continue to do so long after he is dead.

Of a personal note, I remember when this happened. I was very sick and was home for a few days with a very high temp. I would drift in and out of fever induced delirium as I watched TV. The only thing on was this mess about Kiritsis.

I worked with many people over the years who provided direct care for Tony. All agree he was a paranoid pistol. They also agree he was a mean and rude man.

Strange how such a character can forever change the course of Indiana Law.


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