Commentary on Current Events

Thoughts, Ideas, and Comments of Bob Cardwell, from Indianapolis, IN.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Taking care of myself under managed health care.

I am feeling better today. I got a flu shot on 10/28. I got sick for a couple of days. Then about one week later, I got this horrible chest cold. The terrible hacking ripped my throat a part and I developed a secondary infection there.

Under my manage care program, I get to see the doctor about every six months. If I get sick at other times, there is no recourse except to go to the ER.

Of course, I did not go to the ER. It would be humiliating. First, you have to wait for six hours to be seen. While you are waiting, you get to see the dozens of patients come in who are injured and much more sick.

No, I did not go to the emergency room. I went back to the old home remedies. I gargled with salt water and perioxide. I used hot compresses on my throat. Now after a few days. I am feeling much better.

The problem I am left with is too much knowledge. My mother is a nurse. My ex-wife is a nurse. I went to nursing school after graduating from a social science program. I know of the complications. I know what a strep infection can do to your heart and your body. And I know that about $3 worth of medication can save a life.

Yeah, I feel better. I can only hope that I didn't get some more severe damage. Managed care is about the individual managing his treatment and hoping for the best.


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